For the majority of outreach professionals in the behavioral health industry, targets and quotas loom large. The journey of a new outreach representative often begins with excitement and anticipation, fueled by a fresh role, a box of business cards, marketing materials, and organizational expectations. However, beneath the surface of this dynamic profession lies a crucial yet often overlooked factor that can significantly impact a business development rep's success: ramp-up time. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of ramp-up times, the behaviors associated with different expectations, and the resulting return on investment (ROI) for businesses.

Defining Business Development Ramp Up For Behavioral Health

Ramp-up time refers to the period between the date of hire and the achievement of expected production levels. While production can vary, it typically involves generating sufficient revenue to meet the organization's targeted return on investment (ROI). Understanding ramp-up times is essential for both businesses and representatives. It provides businesses with a projection of when their investment in a new employee will yield results, while reps gain insights into the behaviors necessary to meet their targets.

Why does this matter? 

Well, for the rep’s planning this is wildly important.  A typical rep in the behavioral health space has anywhere between 500-1500 viable referral sources within their territory.  This could include any vertical market and any potential referral volume.  Understanding the ramp-up expectations determines how that rep manages that territory. 

Case Study: Treatment Rep A vs. Treatment Rep B

To illustrate the impact of ramp-up time, consider two reps hired on the same day by treatment programs in the same market. Treatment Rep A has a 120-day ramp-up to reach two admissions per month, while Treatment Rep B has only 30 days.

Treatment Rep A will be inclined to do two behaviors specifically to achieve those goals.  Behavior 1 is diversifying account mix.  Rep A is able to work slower referring accounts, such as unions and hospitals, because they know they have the time to have at least 3 meetings prior to hitting their target.  Accounts like this typically take that amount of contact as a minimum prior to referring.  The second behavior Rep A can do is focus on A & B level accounts – the higher referring accounts.  Similarly, these accounts all have options for where they send patients and generally don’t switch easily.  These type of accounts take several meetings, site visits, etc. to gain a significant chunk of their business.  With the time to do so, Rep A is able to mix in a healthy amount of these accounts into their account plan. 

On the other hand, Rep B has to produce quickly.  They aren’t afforded the time to put lots of energy into A accounts or vertical markets that take more time to materialize.  Rep B has to immediately become a transactional rep which in behavioral health generally means focusing on one vertical market in particular – other treatment centers.  Rep B will have to spend their time meeting solely with other BD reps and admissions teams to get referrals, and generally are only able to do so with an expectation of reciprocation. 

Which Approach Yields Better Results?

While it's challenging to definitively quantify the performance of each approach, several key factors come into play: turnover, admissions fluctuations, and ramp-up production.

Rep A could begin exceeding those targets within 30 days, nullifying the need for the ramp up.  Rep B could be an exceptional outreach rep who is able to generate admissions quickly and sustain that level of production.  Before deciding upon which rep is the better decision, let’s take a look at symptoms of these decisions, not just at the singular rep level, but as a team of outreach representatives. 


Hubspot reports average rep turnover for sales personnel is around 35%.  Personal experience shows that turnover for the team with a longer ramp-up is dramatically lower with recent experience showing turnover below 10%.  For a team of 20 outreach reps, 35% turnover at an average salary of $85,000 can cost a company $300,000+ per year in both soft and hard costs.  Soft costs being associated costs such as recruiter fees, labor to interview for new roles, labor for onboarding, etc while hard costs can be things such as a direct hit to revenue due to lack of production from an open territory.  Reducing that turnover number to 10% saves the company around $260,000 annually.  $260k even moderately invested back into patient acquisition is at least $1mil worth of new top line revenue.  All that, just by reducing outreach rep turnover. 

And That’s just year one.  Moving forward, the positive effect of keeping employees multiplies.  Not only does the company save on all the costs like lost productivity, recruiting, contractors, etc., but they also get the compounded effect of more tenured reps generating more revenue.  Now the added benefit to the $260k savings is more production at the top line from the same staffing level as before.

Admissions Fluctuations

The challenges with acquiring business from longer sales cycle accounts/vertical markets can be negated over time by consistency.  Behavioral health, in particular, has cycles that much of the industry assumes is natural, when it is in fact a symptom of a behavior.  For example, is all addiction and alcoholism cured in December?  Of course not. As an industry it’s generally accepted that December will be a slower month, but it doesn’t have to be slow.  That’s the benefit of having an account mix comprised of A accounts and vertical markets that do not rely on internet search for leads (unions, hospitals, etc).  To add to that, not only having that account mix but also having deep and respected relationships with those accounts.  That way, the reps in this system are the first choice for referrals when those accounts need to send a patient to treatment.  Being the first choice is wildly important for consistency as the aforementioned target accounts are inclined to reduce referrals to others during “slow times,” but will remain a consistent referral pattern to their top choice.  What’s not to like about that?

The other factor that comes into play for organizations suffering from peaks and valleys of census is staffing.  How do you consistently staff an 80 bed program if some month’s census is at 40 and other months it’s at 75?  Staff for 40 and you don’t care for patients during times of targeted census.  Staff for the middle, say 65, and you’re overstaffed for 40 (wasting money), but understaffed for full census.  Staff for 75 and labor costs will dramatically outweigh the revenue from times of low census.  This is an obvious issue. 

Furthermore, if understaffing is the choice a program will inevitably run higher AMA risks (patients leaving early Against Medical Advice), lower average length of stay (ALOS), and thus dramatic decreases in revenue.  For just one example using this 80 bed program, a typical 30 day program running at a target of $1000 per day could lose up to $2 million annually by an average drop of ALOS of just two days per patient.  Does that outweigh the increased admissions that shorter ramp-up typically brings the program?  That’s up to the individual program to run the math.

Ramp-Up Production

It’s not all roses for the longer ramp-up option.  Even with a projected higher turnover, Company B (and thus rep B), will typically have a higher number of admissions year 1.  Running several models utilizing a team of 10 reps showed this again and again.  If the singular goal is to get to high census quickly, then this method will do that given the organization does hire several reps to hedge against turnover.  For organizations that just opened their doors or have experienced an event that dramatically dropped census and now need a quick rebuild, this method could be the better short term plan.

However, when taking into account the aforementioned soft cost issues, as well as the inevitable peaks and valleys of census (and impact on staffing, ALOS, etc), it’s difficult to recommend a shorter ramp-up as the best overall plan for a treatment center’s productivity. 


In the realm of behavioral health business development, understanding and optimizing ramp-up time is crucial for achieving sustainable success. Often BD admissions and productivity is looked at in a vacuum, and unfortunately the benefits and consequences of BD goals, structure and expectations are looked at outside of the whole ecosystem of a treatment center.  Taking this holistic approach to revenue generation over time should not only remove some of the consistent headaches of facility management, but it should also provide a level of stability and predictability that can stabilize an organization, thus improving the opportunity for better patient care.  Therefore, it’s safe to conclude that providing a larger investment on the proper development, and thus ramp-up, of a business development representative is going to provide a larger ROI across all aspects of the company, even though top line admission totals might lag early on.

About Steve Donai

Steve Donai, founder of Growth Sherpa Consulting, is a business development executive with more than two decades of successful sales and leadership experience. His career working in behavioral healthcare fulfilled a passion for using his sales knowledge to make a positive impact on the patients and families trusting the company he served.

With more than a decade of behavioral healthcare-focused experience, generation of over $250 million of revenue, oversight to 14,000+ admissions, and the development of dozens of leaders within the behavioral health space Steve decide to create Growth Sherpa to offer his unique coaching and professional development methods to assist business development leaders.

Growth Sherpa is different because of the understanding and purpose-driven approach to the challenges programs face. We will partner alongside your leaders to find solutions so programs can focus on what is most important — providing excellent patient care.

With this purpose, Steve has put together a team of behavioral healthcare professionals at each level of your patient acquisition operations. So whether you need a staff level employee to put together a prospect list in a new market, a sales director to oversee your outreach team, or an executive leader to work directly with leadership to ensure all parts of the revenue generation ecosystem are working in harmony Growth Sherpa will have the bespoke plan created for your organization

September is National Recovery Month, a time to honor the incredible journeys of those overcoming addiction and mental health challenges. At Dazos, we're committed to supporting these individuals and their communities.

As a software platform built specifically for behavioral health BY behavioral health professionals, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that treatment centers face. Our platform is designed to streamline workflows, maximize revenue, and make data-driven decisions so that you can focus on what matters most -- providing excellent care. We believe that by providing facilities with the right tools, we can help them deliver the best possible care to their patients.

Why is National Recovery Month Important?

National Recovery Month is a time to:

How You Can Get Involved

Together, we can make a difference.

Treatment centers have a difficult decision to make as they build out their Outreach team.  Do they hire somebody with little to no experience but have the skills, attributes, and character that matches what their program exudes and allow them a ramp up time within the role, or do they go looking for an experienced Outreach Rep that brings with them a book of business (a BOB rep)?  This is a challenge because both options have their pros and cons, and the reality is both options can be effective when used as part of a greater strategy.  However, empirically a pattern tends to arise when treatment centers choose the second option – a rep with a BOB rep.  This pattern, and stop me if you’ve heard it before, is that a treatment center hires a rep that promises them loads of admissions because of their relationships, months go by with much less production than promised, that rep turns over, and then the process is started up again.

That cycle creates a lot of challenges.  On the surface, it’s easy to see how referral partners in the community can become weary of said treatment center as their Outreach team continually turns over.  It creates a known but difficult to define barrier to success in the referral market.  Second, it creates an environment where talented reps don’t want to work there.  If you’re a rep that has had a respected seasoned career then you’re not going to be too excited to work at a program with a reputation for turnover.  Recruiting talent in this competitive market is hard enough, and repeatedly turning over reps makes the task that much more challenging.  Finally, the soft costs of this loss are a killer.  On top of the lost revenue from lost business, an increase in Outreach team turnover from 10% to 30% can cost a treatment center upwards of $200,000 just in soft costs.  That money even moderately reinvested in patient acquisition should easily yield $1,000,000 in top line revenue.  

So if these are the negatives, why do programs continue to do it?  Simply, many programs have to.  Running a treatment center is expensive.  Rent, utilities, labor, etc all really add up, and with reimbursements declining in many markets by many payers the need to jump start revenue generation is paramount.  Still, if your program is in this situation there are ways of hiring the BOB rep but also doing that in a way that increases the probability of success.

Interview for the behaviors and not the outcomes. 

If you’re hiring a book of business rep then you’ve already seen their resume.  It should show some level of repeated production throughout their last stint(s) at other treatment centers.  So put that aside and find out how that BOB rep got that success.  Did they inherit a productive territory that they had to manage or did they have to build up their business from scratch.  Have they only produced for INN only local detoxes while your program is OON out of state residential – if so, how do they plan on translating that experience?  How do they plan their week and what do they consider a successful week of activities?  All these things, and so many others to look for, should expose if it was the reps’ behaviors that resulted in growing business (which they can replicate with you) or if it was external influences that mattered more (which they can’t take with them).  Most reps have a little of both, and it’s up to the treatment center to decide what they’re willing to accept moving forward.

Have a process to ensure this new person is a culture fit.

Remember, Outreach representatives are a local face to your treatment center.  Who they are, how they conduct themselves, and of course their ethics are all a representation of your program.  If you look around the country at the reps who’ve had the longest tenure at their program you’ll notice one thing every time – they’re a perfect culture fit for their program.  Just like addiction treatment, when all things are equal the longer you stay engaged the better outcomes you get.  Reps at a program are no different, and if it’s not a good culture fit you’re going to see turnover that actively stunts your growth.

Do the math before hiring. 

A book of business rep can often come in asking for a high salary.  Paying a lot of money for a rep isn’t bad by itself, but understand how that spend affects your budget and what amount of revenue you truly need from them to break even.  For healthcare it's not uncommon for 9-14% of the gross revenue of a company to be spent on revenue generation.  So before spending $100,000 on that experienced rep (plus taxes, insurance, T&E, etc) be sure you feel comfortable that there is a path to them generating $700,000-$900,000 their first year.  If that path doesn’t comfortably exist and you hire them anyway it’s a recipe for turnover.  So instead consider variable comp plans.  Obviously don’t pay for admissions because that’s illegal, but figure out how to create an enticing plan that has lower salary (lower risk for you) and can compensate the rep for when they exceed targets.  If you’re unfamiliar with how to do that there are good resources available that can help you navigate.

So is a Book of Business Rep Right for Your Treatment Center?

While the allure of immediate patient flow through a BOB rep can be tempting, it's essential to approach this decision with a strategic mindset.  Patient acquisition should be set up as a harmonious ecosystem, and the type of Outreach rep that you bring in needs to fit into that ecosystem properly.  Lions and sharks are both great hunters, but they wouldn’t do well in each other’s ecosystem. The same truly goes for an Outreach team.  The good news is that there is no one size fits all approach to patient acquisition, and the right approach to one center could look completely different than another.  Hopefully focusing on the above suggestions will assist in deciding that direction for your program whether you bring in somebody who has potential and train them up to greatness or hire greatness and bring them into your culture.

About Steve Donai

Steve Donai, founder of Growth Sherpa Consulting, is a business development executive with more than two decades of successful sales and leadership experience. His career working in behavioral healthcare fulfilled a passion for using his sales knowledge to make a positive impact on the patients and families trusting the company he served.

With more than a decade of behavioral healthcare-focused experience, generation of over $250 million of revenue, oversight to 14,000+ admissions, and the development of dozens of leaders within the behavioral health space Steve decide to create Growth Sherpa to offer his unique coaching and professional development methods to assist business development leaders.

Growth Sherpa is different because of the understanding and purpose-driven approach to the challenges programs face. We will partner alongside your leaders to find solutions so programs can focus on what is most important — providing excellent patient care.

With this purpose, Steve has put together a team of behavioral healthcare professionals at each level of your patient acquisition operations. So whether you need a staff level employee to put together a prospect list in a new market, a sales director to oversee your outreach team, or an executive leader to work directly with leadership to ensure all parts of the revenue generation ecosystem are working in harmony Growth Sherpa will have the bespoke plan created for your organization.

June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, a crucial time to acknowledge the unique challenges men face regarding mental well-being. At Dazos, a platform dedicated to empowering behavioral health facilities, we recognize the importance of fostering open conversations and dismantling the stigmas that prevent men from seeking help.

Why is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month Important?

Studies consistently show that men are less likely than women to seek treatment for mental health issues [1]. This disparity can be attributed to several factors, including:

These factors contribute to concerning statistics: According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is four times more common among men than women [2]. This stark reality underscores the need for increased awareness and support for men's mental health.

How Can Behavioral Health Facilities Make a Difference?

Mental and behavioral health facilities are uniquely positioned to play a vital role in supporting men's mental health. Here are some key strategies:

Moving Forward with Dazos

By implementing these strategies, mental and behavioral health facilities can actively contribute to dismantling the stigma surrounding men's mental health. At Dazos, we understand the challenges you face in reaching this population. We offer a comprehensive platform designed to streamline admissions, improve revenue cycle management, and empower your team to focus on what matters most – providing excellent care.

This June, let's pledge to create an environment where men feel supported and empowered to prioritize their mental well-being. Together, we can build bridges, shatter stigmas, and ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, has access to the mental health care they deserve.


[1] National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). Men and Mental Illness. 

[2] American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (2023). Facts and Figures on Suicide.

Are you looking for ways to enhance your business performance and revenue? Look no further than Dazos IQ and CRM. These powerful tools can help you boost digital traffic, improve data integrity, and streamline your operations.

One of the latest features added to Dazos CRM is the ability to manually link CRM files to Kipu charge, allowing for even greater data integrity. Additionally, Dazos integrates with various platforms like MailChimp, ConstantContact, and HubSpot, and also offers a client portal and custom surveys to help you stay connected with your patients.

Dazos IQ, on the other hand, is a billing analysis tool that uses A.I. to identify areas where you may have been missing out on reimbursement. It integrates with your billing software and provides reports that show you the quality and quantity of referrals from different channels, including their associated revenue. This allows you to make informed decisions on where to allocate your marketing budget and identify which admissions reps are performing well.

Clients who have used Dazos products have reported an average savings of 10-15% monthly when switching from Salesforce, and 50-99% on build-out costs. Please contact Dazos for pricing.

If you need help migrating your data, we offer data migration as-a-service for a few thousand dollars, depending on the scope of your project. About a third of our clients take us up on this offer, particularly if it's their first CRM or if they're moving from another system that they can't export on their own.

We understand that financial constraints can sometimes make it difficult for organizations to invest in a new CRM system. That's why we may be able to defer some payment if you're finishing up a Salesforce contract, for example, so you won't have to pay for two CRMs at the same time.

Integrating multiple CTMs and EMRs into your Dazos CRM instance can help streamline your operations and improve your relationship with your customers. At Dazos, we offer the flexibility and support you need to make the most out of your CRM system.

When it comes to managing customer relationships, a CRM (customer relationship management) system can be an invaluable tool. One of the most important features of the Dazos CRM system is its ability to track and manage leads and opportunities. We'll take a closer look at how leads and opportunities are created and managed in the Dazos CRM.

Creating Leads in a CRM System

Everything starts as a lead in a CRM system. A lead can be created manually by clicking the "Add Lead" button or by using the Dazos mobile app. Leads can also be created automatically via an integration with various VoIP platforms like CallTrackMetrics, CallRail, Vonage, RingCentral, Twilio, etc.

When a phone call comes in, a lead is automatically created, and all the necessary information is logged. This includes details like the caller's name and phone number, the time of the call, and the source of the call (e.g., Google organic tracking source).

The lead can then be accessed through the Dazos CRM system's lead module, where it can be updated with additional information as needed. Workflows can also be set up to create tasks for following up with leads that haven't been contacted yet.

Converting Leads to Opportunities

Once a lead has been fully qualified and engaged, it can be converted to an opportunity. To do this, all the required fields in the lead module must be completed. The opportunity can also be assigned a stage to indicate its progress in the sales pipeline, which can be customized according to the needs of the organization.

In addition to the lead and opportunity modules, the Dazos CRM system typically includes other modules such as the contact module, account module, and case module. These modules can be customized to suit the specific needs of the organization and its sales process.

Customizing the Dazos CRM System

Our CRM system is highly customizable, and the modules and workflows can be tailored to meet the unique needs of any organization, large or small. For example, fields can be added or removed from the lead and opportunity modules to ensure that the right information is being captured. Referral sources can also be added to the opportunity module, which can then be selected from a dropdown list.

Overall, the Dazos CRM system is an essential tool for managing customer relationships and tracking leads and opportunities. With its customizable modules and workflows, it can be tailored to meet the unique needs of any organization, streamlining the sales process and providing a comprehensive view of the organization's interactions with its customers.

Are you tired of juggling multiple healthcare management tools? Do you wish there was an all-in-one solution that could streamline your operations? Look no further than Dazos. With Dazos, you can manage patient data, track referrals, and streamline your operations all in one place.

One of the key benefits of Dazos is that it is built for the healthcare industry out of the box. It includes all the modules you need to manage your operations, such as pre-assessments, VOBs, referral tracking, referral sources, surveys, and transactions. You can also customize the system further using the user-friendly drag-and-drop UI, without needing to hire a Salesforce developer. This can save you a lot of money and time.

Another benefit of Dazos is its integration with major EMRs such as Kipu, as well as bi-directional integration with CallTrackingMetrics and CallRail. There are no additional charges for these integrations, and you can export files as PDFs. This makes it easy to manage all your patient data in one place.

When you log into Dazos, the first thing you will see are the custom dashboards. These dashboards show summaries of reports using graphs such as pie charts and line graphs, as well as upcoming task activities. You can click on a widget to see the associated report. Every field in the CRM is reportable and customizable at the user-facing level. Full reporting functionality is available, and you can export data to Excel, CSV, or PDF. You can also rearrange columns or the way the data is grouped and set your conditions using Boolean operators.

To see more data about a patient, simply click on their name, and you will be taken to their file, where you can see all the information, communication, and work done from lead generation to admission. Dazos helps healthcare providers go from opportunity to admission to alumni by way of modules such as VOBs, pre-assessments, utilization reviews, headboards, and more.

In summary, Dazos is a powerful healthcare management platform that can help streamline your operations and save you time and money. With our comprehensive suite of modules, custom dashboards, and reporting tools, you can easily manage patient data, track referrals, and streamline your operations.

Effective lead management is essential for healthcare providers and medical billing companies looking to grow their businesses. That's where iVerify's integration with Dazos CRM & Dazos IQ comes in. iVerify is not only a powerful tool for verifying insurance policies and submitting leads, but it's also fully integrated into the Dazos system.

iVerify's integration with Dazos CRM & Dazos IQ means that as soon as your representatives submit their leads and policies, they become available to your remote CRM users on the back-end. This provides your admissions management team with direct, real-time access to submitted leads and policies, allowing for faster follow-up and better lead management.

In addition, iVerify's integration with Dazos CRM & Dazos IQ ensures that Instant VOB (Verification of Benefits) results are attached to leads as soon as they are submitted. This eliminates the need for additional data entry and streamlines the lead management process.

With iVerify's integration with Dazos CRM & Dazos IQ, you can maximize your lead management efficiency and grow your business. By providing real-time access to submitted leads and policies, iVerify helps you make informed decisions and follow up with leads faster.

In conclusion, iVerify's integration with Dazos CRM & IQ is an essential tool for healthcare providers and medical billing companies looking to streamline their lead management processes. With its easy-to-use interface and real-time integration with Dazos CRM & Dazos IQ, Dazos iVerify helps you manage leads more efficiently and grow your business.

So why wait? Start using iVerify today and take your lead management to the next level.

Effective insurance policy management is crucial for healthcare providers and medical billing companies, but paying for a software system to do so shouldn't be a burden. That's why Dazos iVerify offers a flexible pay-as-you-go system that allows you to verify policies and submit leads without breaking the bank.

Unlike other software systems that require a monthly fee or long-term commitment, Dazos iVerify uses a credit-based system. One credit is equal to one successful verification. When you sign up for iVerify, you'll receive free trial credits, which you can use to verify policies and submit leads.

Once your free trial credits are depleted, you can purchase more credits as needed. Dazos iVerify also offers an automatic replenish feature, which means that you can set up your account to purchase more credits automatically when your current credits are running low.

The best part? The more credits you buy, the less each credit costs. This means that the cost per verification decreases as you verify more policies and purchase more credits.

Dazos iVerify's pay-as-you-go system offers a flexible and affordable way to manage insurance policies and submit leads. You only pay for what you need, and there's no long-term commitment required.

In conclusion, Dazos iVerify's pay-as-you-go system is a flexible and affordable option for healthcare providers and medical billing companies looking to manage insurance policies and submit leads. With its credit-based system and automatic replenish feature, iVerify helps you manage policies more efficiently without breaking the bank. So why wait?

Sign up for iVerify today and start managing your policies with ease. See our solutions.

The Innovative Solution for Better Patient Care

Behavioral health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, yet it often receives less attention and resources compared to physical health. As a result, people with behavioral health issues often struggle to access quality care and support. Our SaaS-based software offers a new and innovative solution to this challenge by making behavioral health care more accessible, efficient, and effective.

Features & Benefits:

  1. Easy Access to Care: Our software allows patients to connect with mental health professionals from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming in-person visits.
  2. Personalized Treatment: Our platform uses cutting-edge AI technology to personalize treatment plans and recommendations based on each patient's unique needs and goals.
  3. Collaborative Care: Our software integrates with existing EHR systems to create a seamless and collaborative care experience for patients, providers, and care teams.
  4. Cost-Effective: Our SaaS model offers a cost-effective solution for healthcare organizations looking to improve access to care and enhance patient outcomes.

At Dazos, we believe that technology has the power to transform behavioral health care. Our innovative solution offers a new way for patients to access quality care, empowering them to take control of their mental health and achieve better outcomes.

Let us help you deliver better care and improve patient outcomes in the behavioral health sector.

Contact us today to learn more about how our software can benefit your organization.

We are a software and technology company focused on providing solutions for the addiction treatment and behavioral health space, founded in 2018 by a group of entrepreneurs with a wide range of experience in the medical, behavioral health, and software development fields.
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